Erdinç BABAT | Selected Bio Texts
2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015/14
“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. “ Pablo Picasso The human being who was born into a life surrounded with physical limitations, is also trapped to the restrictions of daily-so called ‘horizontal life’, in order to fulfill the needs of this linear world, both time-wise and spatially. As a result of these concrete, simple but superficial actions, some people continue to live through this pattern; whereas some people, on the other hand, feel the necessity to return to their inner world, after a while, The individual mirrors to his/her inner world, intuits the essential genuineness which is maybe more abstract but deeper, colourful and satisfying thanks to the-so called ‘vertical life’ which can only be experienced if an interdisciplinary approach between all kinds of arts, like painting, music, literature, philosophy is internalised. Each painting, each musical composition, each novel possess, both a horizontal and a vertical meaning. The important thing is to be able to percieve this reality, meaning of the vertical side of the artwork. In order to realize this, one has to arouse the energy at a certain point of his/her life-which C.G Jung assumes that every human being holds this potential- and convert it to dynamic and creative forms. C.G.Jung who inherited this idea from the poets and philosophers like Schiller, Schelling, Goethe and Hölderlin, culminated this by bringing a new concept to the field, namely ‘individuation’, which is a timeless, limitless process that enables individual’s self realization, the integration of the personal and social sides at some point. At this very moment, the importance and meaning of the works exhibited at Erdinç Babat’s latest exhibition come to the stage. The exhibition is a concrete expression of the modern individual’s cry who is stuck within daily life’s ‘horizontal patterns’; where he/she tries to breathe and then fiercely express himself/herself in a subjective way: ‘Fictionalised Visions At The Threshold Of Consciousness’ Babat’s selected works that forms an integrity are a clear expression of the anxiety&tragedy of the modern human being who is condemned to live with the ‘virtual reality created for the sake of reality’ which is also brilliantly expressed in A.G.Innarritu’s 2014 Oscar-winning movie “Birdman” In our lives, while sometimes we are eagerly looking for long term solutions, sometimes we may be easily satisfied with short term consolations. The explicit fractures of the portraits in the exhibition are the results of an inner interrogation and the efforts of a finding a way out of the dilemma that the outer world –under the heavy influence of technology and speed-which causes all this frustration, dissatisfaction and pains, which requires an inevitable confrontation with the ‘self’ at a mirror, in the end. Person’s ‘self’ is both individualistic and archetypal. Each individual is a unique, genuine being as well as a part of the whole human beings and humanity that symbolizes the cumulative sum of a universal system. For this reason, the current exhibition and works of Erdinç Babat, which makes critical references to our century’s ‘fictionalised visions’ provides a vast opportunity for the ‘consciousness’ to evolve… ALAZ TOKER |