“ Place We Have Been... Time We Have Passed By… ”
“ The post-modernists declared that the modernism aforementioned with the industrial revolution in the world, had come to an end and they placed their future argument on top of this collapse.
Today, the very post-modernism itself, which has been put forward as the last century’s most basic argument stated as an ideologic/cultural claim, also has been obstructed...
Due to “ The great narrative period has ended ” being said repeteadly, the common utopia of the mankind has been stultified. Now, our world is struggling desperately in a profound crisis...
Despite so many loud-voiced, so called philosophical asssertions and redigeret glittering mediatic images; real, prevailing, individual/social, political, economic, artistic, cultural arguments, philosophical, and ideologic foundations have been collapsed...
Not only Turkey but the geography that we are part of, the land we set foot on despite all the innocence and the rousing energetic intent for the humanity, are no longer secure and auspicious enough...
Now the humanity is undisputably going through a much more dangerous and a greater tragedy than this moment of ours we go on protesting all the time... ”
Ekrem Kahraman who also writes articles on culture, art, art thought, etc. for philosophy and art reviews, treats today's world philosophically as such and structures his pictures over this intellectual background...
The starting point of Kahraman, as an artist who defines himself as “ a fanciful farmer ”, and his pictures as “ his lands ” just from the beginning, is primarily his own territory; Çukurova and Anatolia, and then the Middle East and the whole world...
The artist in his pictures, constructs content and forms that offer modern humane allusions to the earth, the endless void of the sky, and the most natural motives belonging to the innocent era of the mankind. Like all true artists, at his own auld land, he forms deep emptiness, solitude, endlessness, massive white clouds, small rocks, trees, grass and as such ordinary elements and new unique cultural/lingual images by the crude identities of the art equipment that he uses...
October 21st November 21st
At the exhibition, which is going to be held by the Cep Art Gallery at The Marmara Pera between October 21 and November 21 very extensive and smaller works of the artist, most of which belong to the year 2010, will be taking place.
The hero at his new works as well, traces a humane content expanding from familiar to the mysterious, real to surreal, local to universal, contemporary to historical and the future.
The artist, as times ago, claims that the art is now an intellectual act and pertaining to this fact, they think, dream, and believe through their pictures. He conveys his intellectual and artistic claims in a wise and heartily manner...
(1948, Tarsus)
Ekrem Kahraman graduated from the Art Department of Istanbul Enstitute of Education in 1971.
After teaching at various secondary education institutions, he left teaching in 1989 to choose a professional artist career.
He actively took place in art organizations related with the field of plastic arts, writing theoretical articles on art, philosophy, and culture. His articles were published at journals such as Çekirdek Sanat, Sanat Çevresi, Türkiye’de Sanat, Genç Sanat, Cey Sanat, RH+Sanart, Sanatçının Atölyesi, Bosphorus Sanat Gazetesi, etc. He also wrote for various newspapers.
Some of his articles were gathered at the book called Ateşin Peşinde.
He held over 70 national and international personal art exhibitions, attending many joint exhibitions and international fairs. He won 16 prizes and his pictures appear in many formal and private collections. Many books, catalogues, and brochures were published about his art, and films produced.
Also being a poet, the artist has 4 published poetry books (Sessiz Bir Aşkı Dillendirmek 1985, Rıhtım ve Ihlamur 1987, Fısıltılar ve Çığlıklar 1992, Aşkolsun Hayat / Toplu Şiirler 2002)
“ Place We Have Been... Time We Have Passed By… ”
“ The post-modernists declared that the modernism aforementioned with the industrial revolution in the world, had come to an end and they placed their future argument on top of this collapse.
Today, the very post-modernism itself, which has been put forward as the last century’s most basic argument stated as an ideologic/cultural claim, also has been obstructed...
Due to “ The great narrative period has ended ” being said repeteadly, the common utopia of the mankind has been stultified. Now, our world is struggling desperately in a profound crisis...
Despite so many loud-voiced, so called philosophical asssertions and redigeret glittering mediatic images; real, prevailing, individual/social, political, economic, artistic, cultural arguments, philosophical, and ideologic foundations have been collapsed...
Not only Turkey but the geography that we are part of, the land we set foot on despite all the innocence and the rousing energetic intent for the humanity, are no longer secure and auspicious enough...
Now the humanity is undisputably going through a much more dangerous and a greater tragedy than this moment of ours we go on protesting all the time... ”
Ekrem Kahraman who also writes articles on culture, art, art thought, etc. for philosophy and art reviews, treats today's world philosophically as such and structures his pictures over this intellectual background...
The starting point of Kahraman, as an artist who defines himself as “ a fanciful farmer ”, and his pictures as “ his lands ” just from the beginning, is primarily his own territory; Çukurova and Anatolia, and then the Middle East and the whole world...
The artist in his pictures, constructs content and forms that offer modern humane allusions to the earth, the endless void of the sky, and the most natural motives belonging to the innocent era of the mankind. Like all true artists, at his own auld land, he forms deep emptiness, solitude, endlessness, massive white clouds, small rocks, trees, grass and as such ordinary elements and new unique cultural/lingual images by the crude identities of the art equipment that he uses...
October 21st November 21st
At the exhibition, which is going to be held by the Cep Art Gallery at The Marmara Pera between October 21 and November 21 very extensive and smaller works of the artist, most of which belong to the year 2010, will be taking place.
The hero at his new works as well, traces a humane content expanding from familiar to the mysterious, real to surreal, local to universal, contemporary to historical and the future.
The artist, as times ago, claims that the art is now an intellectual act and pertaining to this fact, they think, dream, and believe through their pictures. He conveys his intellectual and artistic claims in a wise and heartily manner...
(1948, Tarsus)
Ekrem Kahraman graduated from the Art Department of Istanbul Enstitute of Education in 1971.
After teaching at various secondary education institutions, he left teaching in 1989 to choose a professional artist career.
He actively took place in art organizations related with the field of plastic arts, writing theoretical articles on art, philosophy, and culture. His articles were published at journals such as Çekirdek Sanat, Sanat Çevresi, Türkiye’de Sanat, Genç Sanat, Cey Sanat, RH+Sanart, Sanatçının Atölyesi, Bosphorus Sanat Gazetesi, etc. He also wrote for various newspapers.
Some of his articles were gathered at the book called Ateşin Peşinde.
He held over 70 national and international personal art exhibitions, attending many joint exhibitions and international fairs. He won 16 prizes and his pictures appear in many formal and private collections. Many books, catalogues, and brochures were published about his art, and films produced.
Also being a poet, the artist has 4 published poetry books (Sessiz Bir Aşkı Dillendirmek 1985, Rıhtım ve Ihlamur 1987, Fısıltılar ve Çığlıklar 1992, Aşkolsun Hayat / Toplu Şiirler 2002)